Guest Blog Post: “A Blogger’s Voice,” in Ann Coleman’s exact words

Photo of torn book page by Ryan McGuire of
Photo by Ryan McGuire of

Ever wonder whether your voice as a writer and as a blogger is truly valuable? Ann Coleman offers us encouragement …

Muddling Through My Middle Age

DSC00181When I was young and naive enough to believe I had a good shot at making a living as a free-lance writer, I attended lots of writer’s workshops.  They were always interesting, and some of the tips helped me place articles with local magazines and neighborhood newspapers.  I never did make a lot of money as a writer…my largest claim to fame was a short article in Bride’s magazine and the publication of one (count it, one) children’s book.  Still, I learned a lot in those workshops about writing, and especially about the delicate balance between giving an editor whatever he or she wants and developing my own unique “voice.”

The voice of an author is what distinguishes one writer’s work from everyone else’s.  It is what comes out when a writer taps into his or her deepest beliefs, inner-most fears, cherished dreams, etc.  It communicates the unique perspective of…

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