My Road to Getting Published by Geoffrey Simpson

The story of how author Geoffrey Simpson, who just released “The Three Hares,” got his first book published — in his own words…

Geoffrey Simpson, author of The Three Hares
Geoffrey Simpson, author of The Three Hares

On a gloomy January morning, the air was heavy and uninspired. I read an article about ancient symbols—a distraction from those about politics, rife with propaganda. One symbol, with three rabbits chasing one another in an infinite circle, struck a chord. A whirlwind flooded my conscience.

Although I’ve never written before, a few story ideas were tucked away for a rainy day. That same morning, I began to plot. That same gloomy day was the beginning of an adventurous journey to becoming an author. 

Three months later, manuscript in hand and an intent to self-publish, an author friend of the family strongly encouraged me to find an editor. I hadn’t planned on investing in this project, but I also never expected to write a novel. 

As an author, I’ve transitioned through two distinct phases. There was pre-Janet, and post-Janet. As you probably assumed, Janet Fix, owner of thewordverve inc., agreed to become my editor, mentor, and inspirer.

With a polished manuscript and newfound confidence, I changed course from self-publishing and sought an agent. A thrilling adventure began, but as the queries went out, the feedback was unanimous. “Unfortunately, I’m not the right agent for this project.” Not a single manuscript request came forth.

Discouraged and circling back toward self-publishing, I spoke to Janet the Inspirer. She, who wasn’t just an editor, was transitioning her business from hybrid to traditional publishing, asked me to join Team Verve.

Twelve months after that gloomy January morning, Janet became my publisher, and there’s no looking back. Today, Janet is editing the sequel to The Three Hares, and I am writing the third installment of this five-book YA adventure/mystery series. It is this partnership/friendship which has made all the difference.

Cover of Geoffrey Simpson's book, The Three Hares

I’ve got two novels I’m writing. What are your experiences with traditional publishing vs. self-publishing?

24 thoughts on “My Road to Getting Published by Geoffrey Simpson”

  1. Congrats ! Very glad for you! I have published three books. Marketing is tough. Amazon is a good platform but unless you cry out your book yourself, it’s most unlikely to obtain sales. Hence,it’s a good thing to publish your book in your home country, where most probably you are known as a writer. I published away from home!

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    1. Hello Anita. Thanks for the feedback. In fact, I am an American living in Germany, and know exactly the challenges of publishing from distant lands. Just a couple weeks ago, I held a skype visit with an honors English class 5000 miles away with 37 students, and it was an overwhelming success. I’m currently building a strategy to encourage more of the same. It was a win win for the students, teacher, and myself. Wish you the best Anita, and thanks for the encouragement.

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  2. I just self-published my book. I didn’t even try to find a publisher (traditional) because I wanted the book to be written exactly as I saw it without serious compromises. I felt free and wonderful creating that book, however now that the book exists, I find it difficult to market on my own.

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