A Little Bit of Something that I Love: Postcards and Handwritten Letters by Nadya Irsalina

Photo of fronts of postcards

Getting letters and postcards in the mail is a joy! When I was a kid, I even loved getting junk mail! Years ago, a friend told me that only handwritten could suffice for thank you notes, never email. I try to follow her advice as often as I can.

How about you? Do you write and/or receive handwritten mail?

Fellow blogger Nadya Irsalina inspires me to take it to a new level…

Nadya's Journal

I’ve always been interested to send letters since I was a kid. The curiousity grew from seeing rubik sabahat pena (penpals) on Bobo, a kid’s magazine that my mother bought for me. But I had to wait until I was in junior high school to actually start sending letters. I don’t know about you but finding a new letter on the mailbox is like a nice little surprise for me. Nothing beats the thrill of opening the mailbox and finding a letter, written and addressed just for me. I still remember when my dad’s friend sent a postcard from LA and I was so excited to read it and removed the stamp. I used to collect it, even though I wasn’t really a philately. To me, it’s quite saddening that years after that, letters carried by conventional postal service seemed to be left behind and replaced with modern technology like…

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17 thoughts on “A Little Bit of Something that I Love: Postcards and Handwritten Letters by Nadya Irsalina”

  1. I love to give and receive postcards and letters too. My most precious letter is from my Dad who passed away 23 years ago. The post crossing sounds a great idea. I never heard of it before. I sometimes do Post Secret. I make a nice postcard with a secret that only I know. anonymously and send it to Frank Warren and he puts the best ones on the Post Secret site. I would send you a card or letter if you like 😁

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Just let me know when you are settled and then PM your address if you would still like a letter or postcard. You might end up with so many offers you can’t manage it 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hubby does handwritten letters to his brother in law. Each month one goes out. Brother in law answers them on the computer, but hubby writes him a letter each month.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

    Liked by 2 people

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