Video: “Fastest Way to Peel a Pomegranate Ever,” by Rob Barrett

Fellow pomegranate lovers — read, watch, and listen closely …

PomegranateI love pomegranates from their regal crowns at their bases and how the leathery red orbs look like holiday ornaments on their green tree branches, to how cream colored pith engulfs each seed that’s further cradled within jeweled juicy sacs.

Pomegranate seedsUntil recently, their sweet-sour winey taste and delightful crunch have been hard won. De-seeding always took a good fifteen minutes and both my kitchen and me would emerge speckled over with the bright red juice, looking like we’d been in a bloodbath had taken place.

No longer!

Joy, oh, joy!Yes, fellow pomegranate fans — no longer!!!

Yes, fellow pomegranate fans — no longer!!! My husband’s newly found ‘spoon technique’ has revolutionized my pomegranate experience. His new-found ‘spoon technique’ has revolutionized our pomegranate enjoyment!

Here’s a video with the marvelously simple and effect technique, demonstrated by Rob Barrett, of CookingforDads …

44 thoughts on “Video: “Fastest Way to Peel a Pomegranate Ever,” by Rob Barrett”

  1. What great timing!
    A friend just handed me two pomegranates in the street yesterday from his garden, insisting I accept them; but my head was saying “No, what a mess I’ll make!” And then I’ve just stumbled across this!
    Thanks so much!
    Regards. Marie.

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  2. When I was a kid, a friend and I tramped through an orange grove and ended up in the chaparral of Lemon Heights where we found a wild pomegranate bush. We had such messy fun cracking open a few poms and eating the seeds, leaving behind a mess for the birds and other wild critters to enjoy. Of course, we went home stained red head to toe, but what a pretty color we were! You reminded me – I hadn’t thought of this experience for years.

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