Strength and Resilience Amid Challenge by Brent Dempsey

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Day-to-day challenges are always blunted when I stop to admire strength in others. Whether it’s the persistence demonstrated by fellow authors (click here for info on my books-in-progress), or the courage of all who wrestle emotional or physical hardship, seeing the bravery of others lifts me.

Thank you anyone brave enough to share your story. Thank you to this blog-sphere that allows any of us anywhere to present our ourselves without mainstream homogenization.

Today’s guest blog post offers a glimpse into the life and health journey of Brent Dempsey, an author/blogger from Port Hardy, BC, Canada. To contact him, check out his site and his published autobiography

Photo of author blogger Brent Dempsey from hospital bed.
Author blogger Brent Dempsey

Navigating Life’s Challenges: My Personal Journey with Health and Resilience, Childhood Trauma by Brent Dempsey

Living with a plethora of health issues, I’ve learned to navigate life with an extra layer of caution and mindfulness. Every day is a delicate balancing act, where I must remain vigilant and attentive to my health needs to avoid potential dangers that could threaten my well-being.

One of the most significant health challenges I face is a rare type of blood cancer that resides in my bone marrow. This condition, affecting only one in a million individuals, brings with it excruciating pain and uncertainty. Despite the odds stacked against me, I refuse to let this diagnosis define me or dictate the course of my life.

Managing my health requires meticulous attention to detail, especially when interacting with others. I must be hyper-aware of potential risks, particularly when exposed to illnesses such as the flu or, more recently, the COVID-19 virus. Unlike many individuals who have received vaccinations, I’ve been advised by medical professionals to abstain from them due to my cancer diagnosis.


Living with such health conditions has taught me valuable lessons about resilience, perseverance, and the importance of self-care. Each day presents new challenges and obstacles to overcome, but I’ve learned to face them head-on with courage and determination.

Despite the hardships I’ve encountered, I refuse to let my health issues define me or dampen my spirits. Instead, I choose to focus on the moments of joy, laughter, and connection that bring light into my life. Whether it’s spending time with loved ones, pursuing my passions, or advocating for causes close to my heart, I strive to live each day with purpose and gratitude.

My journey with health and resilience is far from easy, but it’s one that I embrace wholeheartedly. Through the ups and downs, I’ve discovered inner strength and resilience that I never knew existed within me. And while the road ahead may be uncertain, I walk it with unwavering determination and hope for a brighter tomorrow.

I want to take a moment to share with you the realities of my health journey, as it’s a journey marked by challenges that have tested my resilience in ways I never imagined. My name is Brent Dempsey, and I’m here to shed light on the complexities of living with multiple health conditions and the struggles that come with it.

Photo of author blogger Brent Dempsey when his health was better.
Brent Dempsey when his health was better

About Me…

At just 31 years old, my life has been shaped by a series of health battles that have left me grappling with pain, uncertainty, and frustration. Essential thrombosis, conversion disorder, heart disease, and high blood pressure are just a few of the conditions that I face on a daily basis. I’ve been thrust into a world where managing my health has become a full-time endeavor, and the toll it takes on me is immense.

One of the most challenging aspects of my journey is the reliance on pain medication to manage my symptoms. I find myself taking over 40 pills a day, including potent opioids like fentanyl and morphine, just to get through the day. Despite being on these medications for over two and a half years, the relief they provide is fleeting, and the side effects are overwhelming.

What’s even more disheartening is the lack of understanding and empathy from the medical professionals tasked with overseeing my care. Instead of listening to my concerns and addressing the root causes of my pain, I’m met with skepticism and judgment. I’m labeled as a “drug addict” rather than being treated as a patient in need of genuine help and support.

Helping Ourselves, We Help Others…

Time and time again, I’ve been dismissed and disregarded by doctors who seem more interested in prescribing another pill than exploring alternative treatments or providing compassionate care. Even when I express my struggles with addiction and seek help through NA, AA, and addiction classes, I’m met with solutions that only exacerbate my issues rather than alleviate them.

Living with cancer has taken its toll on every aspect of my life. I’m paralyzed in my left leg, deaf in my right ear, and reliant on a wheelchair for mobility. The physical pain is only compounded by the emotional and psychological toll of navigating a healthcare system that fails to see me as anything more than a statistic or a problem to be managed.

We’re More than Our Struggles…

But despite the challenges I face, I refuse to let my health define me. I am more than the sum of my diagnoses, and I am determined to reclaim my life from the grip of illness. I refuse to be silenced or sidelined by a system that fails to recognize the humanity in each patient it serves.

My Hope…

My hope in sharing my story is to shed light on the flaws and shortcomings of our healthcare system and to advocate for change. Every patient deserves to be treated with dignity, respect, and compassion, regardless of their health status or medical history. It’s time for us to demand better from our healthcare providers and to fight for a system that prioritizes the well-being of every individual it serves.

In addition to the myriad health challenges I face on a daily basis, there have been countless instances where the actions of medical professionals have only exacerbated my struggles and compounded my suffering. Despite seeking help and guidance from doctors, I’ve been met with dismissiveness, negligence, and a lack of empathy that has left me feeling abandoned and hopeless.

One particularly harrowing experience occurred during a visit to the emergency room when I was in excruciating pain and experiencing alarming symptoms. Instead of receiving the urgent care and attention I desperately needed, I was met with skepticism and disbelief from the medical staff. My cries for help fell on deaf ears as I was dismissed as a drug seeker seeking a quick fix.

My Hope as a Patient…

I vividly remember lying in a hospital bed, writhing in pain and begging for relief, only to be met with condescending remarks and accusations of exaggerating my symptoms. Despite being a cancer patient in need of urgent medical intervention, I was treated as a nuisance rather than a priority.

This callous disregard for my well-being extended beyond the emergency room and into my interactions with various healthcare professionals. During routine appointments, I’ve been subjected to rushed consultations, inadequate examinations, and a reliance on medication as a one-size-fits-all solution to my complex health issues.

The over-reliance on opioids and other pain medications has not only failed to address the underlying causes of my pain but has also led to a dangerous cycle of dependency and addiction. Despite expressing concerns about the long-term effects of these medications and seeking alternative treatment options, my pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

Instead of exploring holistic approaches to pain management or addressing the root causes of my symptoms, doctors have continued to prescribe higher doses of opioids, further exacerbating my health issues and diminishing my quality of life. The cycle of over-medication and neglect has left me feeling trapped in a system that prioritizes profits over patients’ well-being.

My Hope as a Person…

But despite the challenges and injustices I’ve faced within the healthcare system, I refuse to lose hope or succumb to despair. I am determined to advocate for change and to hold medical professionals accountable for their actions. Every patient deserves to be treated with dignity, respect, and compassion, and I will not rest until that becomes a reality for all.

My journey with chronic illness has been fraught with obstacles and setbacks, but I remain steadfast in my resolve to fight for a future where healthcare is truly patient-centered and inclusive. I urge my fellow patients to speak out against injustices, to demand better from our healthcare providers, and to never lose sight of the power we hold as advocates for our own health and well-being.

Helping Ourselves Helps All…

Together, we can create a healthcare system that values the humanity of every patient and prioritizes their needs above all else. It’s time for change, and I am ready to lead the charge.

The memories of my experiences at Port Hardy Hospital still haunt me to this day. I vividly recall lying in the cold, sterile hallways, exposed and vulnerable, as I battled through agonizing seizures that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. The helplessness I felt during those moments is indescribable, as I lay there, stripped of my dignity and left to fend for myself in the grips of my own body’s betrayal.

Mind-Body Connection…

Conversion disorder, a condition often triggered by childhood trauma, has become a cruel and relentless companion on my journey through life. It’s a constant reminder of the unspeakable horrors I endured as a child, the scars of which still linger deep within my psyche. The trauma of being sexually assaulted by a predator twice my age, and the subsequent injustice of seeing him evade justice, has left wounds that refuse to heal.

For years, I buried my pain and anguish deep within, hoping that time would somehow erase the memories and numb the pain. But trauma has a way of resurfacing when least expected, and the demons of my past have returned with a vengeance, threatening to consume me whole. The symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have manifested in ways I never could have imagined, wreaking havoc on my physical and mental health and leaving me feeling utterly powerless.

Navigating life with a myriad of health issues is challenging enough on its own, but when compounded by the weight of unresolved trauma, the burden becomes unbearable. Every day feels like an uphill battle, as I struggle to reconcile the past with the present and find a sense of peace amidst the chaos. The scars of my past are etched into every fiber of my being, a constant reminder of the darkness that once consumed me.

Love and Facing Demons…

But amidst the pain and turmoil, there is a glimmer of hope—a flicker of resilience that refuses to be extinguished. I refuse to let my past define me or dictate the course of my future. I am more than the sum of my traumas, and I am determined to reclaim my life from the shadows that threaten to engulf me.

Through therapy, self-reflection, and the unwavering support of loved ones, I am slowly but surely learning to confront my demons and heal the wounds of the past. It’s a journey of self-discovery and healing, fraught with setbacks and challenges, but one that I am committed to seeing through to the end.

To anyone else who may be grappling with their own demons, I want you to know that you are not alone. Your pain is valid, your struggles are real, and there is hope for healing and redemption, even in the darkest of times. Together, we can face our demons head-on and emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before.

Writing to Heal…

In the bustling town of Port Hardy, nestled on the rugged coast of British Columbia, Canada, lies the story of one man’s journey through pain, adversity, and ultimately, resilience. My name is Brent Dempsey, and I invite you to join me on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and advocacy as I navigate the complexities of life with chronic illness and trauma.

From a young age, I’ve been no stranger to adversity. Childhood trauma, including sexual assault, left scars that ran deep, shaping the person I would become and the battles I would face in the years to come. But it wasn’t until I was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer, essential thrombosis, that my journey took a drastic turn.

Living with chronic illness is a daily struggle, marked by excruciating pain, debilitating seizures, and the constant threat of uncertainty. But amidst the darkness, I found solace in the power of words. Writing became my sanctuary, a refuge where I could pour out my heart and soul, unburdening myself of the weight of my struggles and finding healing in the process.

Cover of Rewriting the Past: a Journey from Trauma to Hope by Brent Dempsey

My Book…

Through my self-published books on Amazon, I discovered a platform to share my story with the world. From the depths of my pain emerged words of hope, resilience, and advocacy for mental health and addiction awareness. Each page became a testament to my strength and determination to overcome the odds stacked against me.

But my journey didn’t stop there. Fueled by a desire to make a difference, I made the bold decision to donate the proceeds from my books to mental health and addiction causes. It was my way of giving back to a community that had supported me through some of my darkest moments and shining a light on issues often shrouded in stigma and silence.

As I continued to pour my heart and soul into my writing, I found a sense of purpose and empowerment that transcended the boundaries of my illness. My books became beacons of hope for those grappling with their own demons, offering a glimpse of light in the midst of darkness.

But my journey is far from over. With each passing day, I am reminded of the power of resilience, the importance of advocacy, and the healing potential of storytelling. Through my words, I hope to inspire others to find their own voices, to speak their truths, and to embrace the journey of self-discovery and healing.

So, to anyone who may be struggling, know that you are not alone. Your story matters, your voice matters, and there is hope for healing and redemption, even in the darkest of times. Together, we can rise above our pain, reclaim our power, and rewrite the narrative of our lives.

With love and solidarity,

Brent Dempsey

What keeps you inspired to strive for happiness and health?

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