You Are Amazing by Roy Lennic

Thanks for the fab pic, Ryan McGuire of

Fellow blogger Roy Lennic describes himself: “I’m just a guy of substance who is limited to a certain place, such that my thoughts are the only thing to express… I write whatever comes to mind, but most importantly what can inspire and help people have good reasoning and make good choices in their lives.”

Roy’s favorite post…

Beautiful Creature

Beauty is not only in the bedazzlement. It’s not only in the flashy colors, and the glowing smile on your face. Beauty is much more than that. It’s not the flourishing glitter that people cant stop to admire or the wonderful natural appearance that strikes people’s eyes.

Beauty is in how you endure having all that on you despite all the flaws.  Beauty is how you fight to keep the fire blazing in you – to be always hot and spicy. Beauty is in the strength that you use to transform yourself with style. Beauty is the natural capability of your wits to become sassy and mesmerize the world with your glow.

Beauty is not just how the sunrise reflects in your eyes. It’s not just how the world seems to rhyme on your face. It’s not only how unique you are with your attributes, but how you out stand the normality and become amazingly special.

Beauty is in the scars that prove how you have had a conclusive victory in overcoming a bout of monstrous life’s adventure. Its how you walk through a tornado without losing a smile on your face. Beauty is how you exult even when times seem heartbreaking.

Beauty is how you thrive magnificently to impose a glow, bright enough and absolutely indispensable.

Beauty is not just how exclusively beautiful you are, but how people feel and look beautiful too when they are with you.

You are beautiful.

9 thoughts on “You Are Amazing by Roy Lennic”

  1. I feel most beautiful when I am living the best version of myself, which changes as I age and as I experience love and life, as well as trauma and dark days. Beauty is forever unfolding, and like a budding flower, it can’t be rushed. “Beautiful” post 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow, such a BEAUTIFUL post! Your words reveal the true essence of beauty. In this our really materialistic world it’s easy to confine beauty to the surface, mostly identifying it with what is tangible. What is truly beautiful though, is beyond face value.

    Liked by 3 people

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