How My 30 Posts in 30 Days Challenge Fared

Last week I finished my personal challenge of thirty posts in thirty days. I fell short by two posts! Moreover, the last were a bit of a cheat. Fellow blogger Cezane’s submission was long, so I split it into seven posts.

What did the challenge teach me? That, like so many other things in life, there is Good! as well as Good?! to posting super frequently.


What are your thoughts as a reader? If you have a blog, share your experiences with frequency, content, and guest posts.

20 thoughts on “How My 30 Posts in 30 Days Challenge Fared”

  1. I admire you for both making the attempt *and* finishing it. I know I wouldn’t be able to do it mainly because it takes me FOREVER to wrap my head around something original each time. Or if not original (I have returned to topics) at least a new take on it. A creative writing teacher in high school used to tell us that 3/4 of all writing is thinking about it ahead of time, and now late in life I’ve finally connected to what she was saying. But that’s just me… as to you, I tip my hat! Well done! – Marty

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Marty! You’ve got so much interesting stuff on your site, it seems like it comes easily to you. You’re kind – I finished, yes, though with only 28 posts. On the other hand, wanted to let people know that it’s ok to set a goal & not meet it all the way.


  2. You brave girl…I wouldn’t also not even think about taken up a challenge like this.
    Frequency; hopefully by winter-time all my must-do shores are done and I have more time to write.
    Content: Since I have an interest in various topics, I also write about various topics. However, at the same time I always keep my ‘messages’ in mind regarding beautiful souls out there and creating a Dreampack of your own (and for your dogs)
    Guest-posts: Love this concept, to give other writers/artist a platform and also for me a way to connect/work together with others all over the globe 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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