Guest Post: 10 Harmless Things Said That Hurt by Uncustomary Housewife

Photo from Uncustomary Housewife

I admit it — I suffer from foot-in-mouth disease. Fortunately, Uncustomary Housewife offers help from anyone who shares my predicament…

Uncustomary Housewife

I’m letting my heart spill out through my keyboard… metaphorically, of course, and I’m offering it all to you. Today, I’m going to talk about my mental health. This is something that I’ve worked to conceal for a long time, mostly because of the negative stigma attached to mental illness. I’m sharing for two main reasons; (1) to educate people, and (2) to show people like me that they are not alone.

For the record: I’m living with Bipolar Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder… In this post I’m sharing 10 “harmless things” that people have said to me that actually cause me a great deal of pain. I’m also sharing how they make me feel, and why, while giving you an inside look at my life.

So, these are the things I wish you wouldn’t say to me;

“You don’t look like you have a mental illness.”
More commonly stated as…

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5 thoughts on “Guest Post: 10 Harmless Things Said That Hurt by Uncustomary Housewife”

  1. Good morning and thank you very much for this great article. I read it with utter respect and parsimony. Oftentimes the caregivers at various levels of the medical process meet these chronically suffering patients with little time and less attention due to multiple causes, including (I must admit) some weariness for their complaints. However we must strive to pay more attention to “what they really feel” and not our guesses. We must refrain from approaching them with a paternalistic, humiliating attitude that will block our therapeutic intervention to achieve good health outcomes. If we are having a bad day, then perhaps we should re-schedule that patient for another day in order to give him/her/ihr a better chance for the sake of therapeutics. Un baccione. Arrivederci!

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