Winged Grace: Murmurations by da-AL

Murmuration: A flock of starlings.

I call a flock of starlings Supreme Grace — ballet, music, and nature soaring amid limitless sky.

Murmuration of starlings over a field
From National Geographic’s “Flight of the Starlings”

Yesterday while I was driving, stopped at a traffic light, I held my breath as I found myself gazing at a flock of birds dipping and soaring, looping and circling again and again.

I went online to find out why and how they do it, only to get more questions than answers. There was this about when they do v-formations, but little about their swirly kind of flying in flocks. No one knows whether each bird is flying solo, trying not to hit each other while capitalizing on safety in numbers, or whether they’re truly focused on unity.

Three short videos of starling murmurations I thought you’d enjoy…

19 thoughts on “Winged Grace: Murmurations by da-AL”

  1. The birds with the V-formation are geese … 😉
    We have the phenomenon of murmuring or murmuration also in Denmark, when the starlings gather to fly south. The Danes call it “black sun”. It is really graceful, and I do wonder how they do it without bumping into each other.
    But fish do it as well don’t they? Under water, of course, 😉 they swim in these close formations moving gracefully as one big unit.

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  2. I saw a documentary on them a while back, and how their numbers are in decline in Europe. It seems to me that they fly in a flock like this to give them safety, like a school of fish. My landlord keeps doves. And he let’s them out to fly every day. It’s really interesting to watch their own seemingly coordinated flying patterns. How one always takes the lead and the others will follow, until another takes over as leader — it’s kind of hypnotic in a way.

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